Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Degree Show

The Man Candy and i went to look round the degree show for all the art department at uni. We went on the opening night, however that was more a social occasion, so we decided to go on a quieter day to have a proper look round. I absolutely loved going round the photography and illustration sections, as well as the graphic design one of course. I've been having a bit of a creative slump recently and the show really helped  spark some ideas. There was one piece in the 3D Design section that we both loved, and had we a) money and b) the space (but mainly the money), we would have purchased it on the spot (see picture). There was also a vase that i really would have loved to buy but naturally it was from a collection of pieces that had no name left by it, so it was a bit of a non starter. The show's on till the end of this week so if you are a local person and have some time to spare, go and have a look round and get some ideas.
We thought this rocking chair library was rather good.

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