Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Wasabi Dessert Room

As a bit of a treat to round off the week, the Man Candy and I went for dinner in China Town. The place was called Wasabi, and it was a sushi-off-the-belt sort of affair with added bowls of soupy goodness. After we'd finished we went upstairs to the 'dessert room' and got very excited at the menu. This is what we had...
green tea cheese cake
blueberry snow ice
almond and black sesame snow ice

It was like being in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Everything looked amazing, then when you tasted it, your mouth didn't know what to expect.  Everything we tried was a complete surprise, and the textures were all so different to what we were used to. Definitely worth another visit soon. 


  1. Green Tea Cheesecake! I must go to this place!

  2. and it did actually taste like green tea! It was spectacular :D
