Sunday, 24 April 2011

Trip Down South

(photo taken down a little hidden footpath in Orford)
I have spent the last few days down south in Suffolk with my Nana. As usual it took me a day or so to adjust to the pace of life down there. It is a world apart from the hustle and bustle of city living, and i nearly went mad at first, but i eventually grew to quite enjoy it. We went to some lovely walks by rivers and on the coast, and ate some pretty wonderful food too. As we walked along the river on Thursday my Nana told me about when she had been 4, playing in that same river with her brothers and Dad (my Great Grandfather), and the air raid sirens had gone off. Can you imagine?? She said they had to cross the river and find a cove to hide out in. It was amazing how much detail she remembered from that day. It made looking at the peaceful river seem completely different. Will put up a few more snaps from the trip throughout the week, for now it's back to work. 

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