i wish i could run away and work here
When i first starting blogging, i wrote a
post about flitting between living in the city and the countryside. On Friday i made the executive decision to take myself back to the countryside. I was feeling slightly overwhelmed with the amount of work i have at the moment, and the chaotic pace of city life wasn't helping. The house was empty when i got there, my parents were off yomping in Switzerland until yesterday. Because of this, the heating and hot water had been turned off and the fridge was empty. The stillness of the countryside acted as a bit of a comforting blanket, and with very few distractions, i got down to the task in hand. I came out of solitary confinement yesterday afternoon and feel like things are slightly more in perspective, now that i've had a bit of time to re-group and re-focus. This week is going to be a busy one.